448 On-line ONLY Lots of Antiques, Household Items, Lawn Equipment, Fishing Equipment, Tools, Hunting Gear, Camping Gear, & More!
5 Miles south of 8th Street & Hanks Trail, Woodward, OK at the intersection of County Roads 47 & 203.
448 On-line ONLY Lots of Antiques, Household Items, Lawn Equipment, Fishing Equipment, Tools, Hunting Gear, Camping Gear, & More!
5 Miles south of 8th Street & Hanks Trail, Woodward, OK at the intersection of County Roads 47 & 203.
Tractors, Vehicles, Equipment, Trailers, Implements & More!
5 miles south of 8th St & Hanks Trail, Woodward at the intersection of County Roads 47 & 203.
Selling 2 Tracts! 160± Acres of Ellis Co. Land and a Home in May, Oklahoma.
From May: 7.8 miles west on Hwy 270 to Log Cabin Corner then from Log Cabin Corner go 5 miles south on Hwy 283 then 1½ miles East on Co. Rd 32 then ½ mile north.
Annual Friends of NRA Event!
108 Temple Houston Drive, Woodward, Oklahoma.
*SOLD TRACT 1 $220K; TRACT 2 $160K; TRACT 3 $31K; TRACT 4 $370K; TRACT 5 $104K* Selling 1145+ Acres offered in 5 tracts of 305, 160, 40, 560, and 83 acres!
Smith & Co. Auction Facility, 10762 US Hwy 412, Mooreland, Oklahoma
Hosted by the Vici Education Foundation & Vici Masonic Lodge #465!
Vici School Cafeteria, Vici, OK.
Hosted by Woodward Mid-Day Ambucs!
Woodward Conference Center, 3401 Centennial Lane Woodward, OK.
Good food, good fun, & exceptional prizes offered for 2019 fundraising banquet!
Woodward Conference Center, 3401 Centennial Lane Woodward, OK.
Mooreland Quarterly Consignment Auction!
Smith & Co. Auction Facility, 10762 US Hwy 412, Mooreland, OK