05/16/2019 10:00 am
107 S. Main St. Fargo, OK 73840
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Auction Description
Tract 1 – 160± Acres: This property is 160± acres of native grass with good fences. There is a water well and windmill and the land has good hunting potential. This farm will make a nice addition to many farms in the area. DCP pays $1000 annually to lease 2 acres on the east side of this farm.
Seller: Floyd and Betty Schoenhals, Co-Trustees of the Schoenhals Family Trust
Tract 2 – 80± Acres: There are 59 acres in a CRP Contract through Sept. 2023. There is an older creek bed on the southwest side of the land. This area is known for its hunting. The land has good county road access on the south and east sides.
Seller: Floyd and Betty Schoenhals, Co-Trustees of the Schoenhals Family Trust
Tract 3 – 160± Acres: There are 107.8 acres in a CRP Contract through Sept. 2023. This property includes a very neat older home setting on the west side of the farm with electricity. There is good county road access on the north and west sides.
Seller: Norval Dean and Darline Schoenhals
To view this property contact Ira Smith at 580-334-6001 or 580-254-3975.
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